(Commons Copyright Personal) Mark Licensing Info

CCP Commons Copyright Personal Mark Definition
In plain language this CCP mark means...free to free culture, not free to profit culture. Print it and hang it on your wall, pass it on to a friend, in Facebook, or the public, you are fine. Resell it, resell copies of it, or use it to make profit... not OK, contact me. -ss
From December 23, 2014 all of my CC marked artworks in distribution move over to this mark and designation as described below. I created this mark after hearing about the unauthorized sale of copies of artworks without renumeration to the artist, by Flickr/Yahoo. This activity by Flickr/Yahoo is totally illegal, irregardless of the legal statements being thrown around lately. The intent as I understood it when I first started using cc in my attributions of works I wanted freely distributed within free culture to facilitate political use, was to protect works from big-profit-making use and to facilitate free use within our public Commons. As I now read the creativecommons.org current website communications, that reality is problematic using the CC mark. There are no visual artists within the organization and the language and intent do not reflect concern for potential selfish misuse by unethical business types. I am writing up the following licensing mark to protect my work from the unscrupulous while enabling free distribution and use within anti-capitalist free culture, the Commons as I understand it. The CCP designation I have created here stands somewhere between Public Domain and US Copyright, with for-profit use of more than $50 requiring contact and artist approval. All artists are free to use this mark and designation web page for their work as well. -ss 12-23-14


The Commons Copyright Personal notice is created by a visual artist for visual artists dissatisfied with Creative Commons licensing designations. It enables visual artists to allow fair use profit-free distribution of CCP marked artwork for personal and public use, while requiring compensation for any commercial use. The CCP mark is not associated with Creative Commons licensing. It is an alternative designed under traditional copyright protections that affects art distributed with the CCP mark.

The CCP mark allows the following uses:

Free personal non-profit use and sharing.
Derivative works are ok.
Share alike.

The CCP mark restricts the following uses:

Any use with intent, or result, to produce profit in excess of $50 by any individual, group, organization or commercial entity, without written permission from the artist, must contact the artist to negotiate appropriate licensing and compensation proportionate to the value of commercial use.


Clarifying Note on the Purpose of this License:
The creator wants to ALLOW non-profit personal use and distribution of the work, freely, among the commons, the public, while requiring compensation in the circumstance that it is resold or reused to acquire monetary profit in excess of $50. Flickr’s 2014 sales of Creative Commons works, without artist permission, is proof the CC mark is inadequate in protecting visual artist’s works from being stolen for private profit. In plain language...free to free culture, not free to profit culture. Print it and hang it on your wall, pass it on to a friend, in Facebook, or the public, you are fine. Resell it, resell copies of it, or use it to make profit... not OK, contact me for permission:

Sandy Sanders
PO Box 244
Mapleton, OR 97453


Illustration Posters Photographs Political Arts Collage/Montage
Artist Books Foyer Studio Sale Installation Exhibits
Retro Image Collection Functional Arts Purchase Prints Resume