More Recent Paintings & Experiments

Works on this site copyleft.

Prices for prints of unpriced images below can be obtained here.
"The battle for planet Earth" (2016) found objects, sand paper, paperboard, acrylic, cotton, mixed media . apx. 18 x 24" . $800
"Florida" (2016) (after the Florida Highwaymen style) acrylic, canvas, paperboard frame object, (24" x 30" incl. frame), $1200.

after Matisse's "Goldfish" (for Mindy) (2017) acrylic on canvas, 24" x 36", $850

"paint wars" (2016) acrylic on canvas, 16 x 20" (transitioned :-))

"the collective" (2016-19), acrylic palette scraps, acrylic, primed re-used cardboard, 7.5" x 5.5", $500
"reflection" (1975-2013), acrylic, found objects, wood, string, reused primed cardboard, apx. 12" x 16" (picture/picture series) (private collection)
Untitled (1976-2013), oil, acrylic, mixed media on canvas, apx. 60" x 84" (picture/picture series) (private collection)
Untitled, oil, acrylic, mixed media on canvas (1976-2013), apx. 64" x 80" (picture/picture series) (private collection)
"pictured", 2014, digital collage painting, (picture/picture series)
"Seeding", (2002), acrylic on reused primed cardboard, 7" x 28" (private collection)
untitled, (2013), acrylic on primed reused cardboard, (private collection)
untitled (2014), digital painting

" . Archival digital print to order . see here for prices and ordering info.
All works copyleft sandy 2016/17. Thank you Tup Wanders for the wonderful Fettecke font!
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