Recent Political Illustration
As the news items fly by each day i respond with art that attempts to capture the insanity of the 1%'s tyrannical hegemonic control of our society worldwide. Not just the US but across the world capitalism and it's 1% drivers are desperate to remain in power. The planet is over-populated and over-resourced. The mantra of infinite growth has met it's match in a finite Earth. So waht does the 1% do? Double-down! More war, terror, privatization, racism, police state, surveillance state, militarized police and abolition of constitutional rights. All the while having it's media cover it up, misinform, disinform and LIE 24/7/365. Then call the whole mess FAKE news and allow cation. Below are some recent examples, both private and assignment driven, some published.

Prices for prints of unpriced images below can be obtained here.

These works are free to share and print under copyleft rules.

(modified Irving Norman Painting)

(over a George Grosz Painting)
All works copyleft sandy 2016/17. Thank you Tup Wanders for the wonderful Fettecke font!
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